Special Courses
Tuhfatush Shabaab
The youth today are faced with many challenges and evil influences. It is extremely important that we provide them with guidance to protect themselves from these evils.
This course is compiled to help the youth identify these evils and dissuade them from it. It also provides them with solutions to these influences. This course is compiled for boys hitting puberty and aim to educate and answer their question and concerns related to the physical and emotional changes they are going through based on Islamic beliefs.
It should be taught to every male Muslim child ages 13-18. Abu Bakr Siddique Islamic Centre has arranged a qualified Aalim to run this course for our community. Since this course is interactive and targeted for a focused group, the spaces are limited to 15 students. Enrollments are done on a first come first served basis. The cost of this 10-12 weeks course is $150 per student.
Tuhfatul Banat
Allah Ta’ala has created the human being as ‘ASHRAFUL MAKHLOOQAAT’ (the best of His creation). Males and females have been created differently with their own unique physical and emotional characteristics and needs. All these are signs of His evident power and greatness. A female’s first haidh (period / menstruation) is actually a transition or crossing over for her from childhood to adulthood. It is an important time in her life, because along with this change comes huge responsibilities.
Apart from physical changes (which take place inside our bodies), we undergo emotional changes (the way we feel), as well as mental changes (the way we understand things). It is, therefore, very important for us to prepare ourselves for this transformation.
This body is an amaanah (trust) from Allah Ta’ala. We use it to make the ibaadah (worship) of Allah Ta’ala. Therefore, it is important that we take care of it as best we can in order to fulfill the rights of Allah Ta’ala. However, it is not only our physical strength and mental well-being that we ought to worry about, but also our personal hygiene.
It should be taught to every female Muslim child ages 12-18. Abu Bakr Siddique Islamic Centre has arranged a qualified Aalima to run this course for our community. Since this course is interactive and targeted for a focused group, the spaces are limited to 15 students. Enrollments are done on a first come first served basis. The cost of this 10-12 weeks course is $150 per student.